Isabel Francis Smith
Isabel began her financial planning career in 1978 and earned a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) designation in 1982 from the College for Financial Planning. She served in various leadership positions, including as a member of the National Board of Directors of the Institute of Financial Planners (ICFP®), regional President of the International Association of Financial Planners (IAFP), and local President of the Oakland County Estate and Financial Planning Council (OCEFPC).
Isabel's leadership extends beyond her professional endeavors to charitable and civic contributions. She served as National Association Chairperson of Phi Beta Kappa, and received the "Heart of Gold" award from the United Foundation. In addition, she served as a Trustee of the Interlochen Center for the Arts for many years, and also served on the Bloomfield Hills Library Board of Directors. Both organizations are near and dear to her heart.
Isabel has been married since 1958, and she and her husband, Larry, have three children, Mark, Hugh, and Claire, and seven grandchildren.